Name: Braxden Salazar

School: Kennewick High School

City and State: Kennewick, WA

Graduation Year and GPA: Class of 2023 and 3.4 GPA

Position(s): Utility

Throw: Right

Hit: Left

What are some areas of your game that you have been focusing on lately to improve upon?

Some areas of the game i have been putting most of my time in are my footwork and explosiveness, i have been in the gym 7 days a week for the past 6 months solely focusing on getting a stronger lower half and working towards more rotational strength and power.

What are some goals you hope to reach in the next year or couple of years?

Some goals i have for this spring is to bring my team back to the state championship game and to win it and bring a state ship back to our baseball program for the first time since 2008 and to be selected first team all conference and receive first team all state honors.

How long have you been playing baseball and what got you started in the game?

I have been playing baseball since 4 years old and my dad got me started in the game and the rest is history.

What are some of your favorite things about the game of baseball?

The atmosphere and the friends i have made while playing the game.

Who in your life has helped push you to be your best on the field?

My dad has helped and pushed me to be the best on the field from the countless nights at the cages or playing catch on the weekends to even coaching me from when i can walk to middle school. He is one of the main contributors to my success.

If there is anything else about baseball you want to include or write about include it. 

Just that i am Uncommitted