Name: Remy Heckman

School: Edmonds-Woodway High School

Grad year for high school: 2021

GPA: 3.8

Summer team: Rush 18u Showcase

Positions: Shortstop, Second Base

Throw (right or left): Right

Hit (right or left): Right

1. What are some areas of your game that you have been focusing on lately to improve upon?

I have been working on improving my arm strength and my plate discipline. I play long toss regularly and workout with bands and weights with my dad. I take batting lessons at Base by Pros with Brent Lillibridge where I focus on only hitting pitches in one location. I also take lessons with Kurt Nelson who really helps me with the feel of my swing.

2. What are some goals and dreams you hope to reach in the next couple of years?

I am really excited to play at Bellevue College next year. I can’t wait to play some competitive baseball with a great group of players and coaches. I’m not sure what I want to study yet but I love to write stories and I like to play music and I am looking forward to taking a variety of classes to see what sparks my interest. I hope after Bellevue I can play for a four year college. I especially like the University of Hawaii but I would be happy to play for any competitive school.

3. How long have you been playing baseball and what got you started in the game?

I have been playing baseball since before I can even remember. My brother used to play when I was really young, (like one to two years old) and I used to hit wiffle balls while I watched his games. I was on my first team called the Orange Crush when I was three.

4. What are some of your favorite things about the game of baseball?

I love the competition of baseball, and making friends on the field that you can then compete against. I love everything about baseball. Making a play in the field is my favorite thing to do. Even a very easy ground ball fills me with joy and if I make a tougher play it is the best experience ever. Baseball is the greatest. I am so lucky to be able to play this game.

5. Who in your life has helped push you to be your best on the field?

My dad has always coached me and helped me get better. I have had a lot of great coaches who have helped me improve and given me opportunities. I am grateful to all of them because they have all taught me different skills that have helped me become the player I am today.

6. Additional Thoughts:

I love to play baseball in the Northwest. The players in the Northwest are the best and friendliest that I have ever played with and I am glad to have competed both with them and against them.