Name: Cole Startin
School: Mead (Spokane, WA)
Grad year: 2024
GPA: 3.5
Summer team: Spokane Expos 15U
Position: LHP
Throw: L
Hit: L
1. What are some areas of your game that you have been focusing on lately to improve upon?
Mechanical consistency is number one. Working to get stronger and improve command. Improve posture at release. I put on almost 20 lbs of muscle last fall and winter. A few more offseasons in the weight room will make a big difference strength-wise. I’ve also been working on a changeup. I’ve never really thrown one. I’ve tried a few different grips and finally found one that works. I like the way it moves. Could be a really good pitch. Almost game ready.

2. What are some goals and dreams you hope to reach in the next couple of years?
I want to win a league baseball title at Mead. I think we will be really competitive in the GSL over the next few years. I really want to see a 90 on the radar gun by my senior year. I know it will take a lot of work. Lots of time in the weight room, ballistic training, mobility work, and super efficient mechanics. I want to maintain at least a 3.5 GPA.
3. How long have you been playing baseball and what got you started in the game?
I was born into a baseball family. It’s what we do. I started playing club ball at 8 and travel ball at 9. That was when I started learning how to pitch. I had a lot of fun on the mound and found out that I was pretty good.
4. What are some of your favorite things about the game of baseball?
I actually really like the travel. Playing in different cities and states against guys from all over is pretty cool. Some of those guys from places like California, Texas, Florida, Georgia, and Arizona are really good. It’s fun to watch good baseball and fun to compete against really good baseball players. I like how skill matters more than size in baseball. Even an average sized pitcher like me has a chance to play at the next level if he competes and has the stuff to get guys out. Same for hitters. Lots of smaller guys on the college world series rosters this year. I like the 1 on 1 matchups in baseball. Lots of little battles that are a lot of fun.
5. Who in your life has helped push you to be your best on the field?
My dad. He’s my school tutor, pitching coach, bullpen catcher, personal trainer, butt-kicker, and a bigtime supporter. He’s helping me figure out all this recruiting stuff and trying to teach me how to communicate like an adult. I’m pretty quiet and don’t like to draw attention to myself. Things like interviews, social media, typing emails, and talking to coaches on the phone do not come easy for me. Playing baseball is the easy part. I’d like to do as much of that as I can.