Name: Breckin Hadley
School: Bainbridge High School
HS Grad Year: 2022
GPA: 3.75 unweighted
Summer team: Baden Baseball
Positions: Catcher / 3B
Throw: Right
Hit: Left
College: Uncommitted
Twitter: @BreckinHadley
1. What are some areas of your game that you have been focusing on lately to improve upon?
Right now I am focusing on two areas, getting stronger/faster and continuing to improve my hitting. With High School almost over and gyms opening back up, I have a bit more time and can hit heavier weights. Pre-pandemic I was going to cross-fit regularly so I am excited to get back in the gym.
I always think hitting can improve. I had a solid high school season and hit my first home run playing club ball but want to continue to work on hitting to all fields and situational hitting. My strength training should help with this too.
2. What are some goals and dreams you hope to reach in the next couple of years?
I am really focused on earning a spot and playing college ball. I am also working hard academically and so I’m looking for a school that will challenge me academically and athletically. I’ve been taking several AP classes and am getting into Chemistry and Environmental Science. I am also interested in possibly studying Business or Economics.

3. How long have you been playing baseball and what got you started in the game?
I’ve been playing since I was 5. My parents tell me that when I was three I asked Santa for a catcher’s mask. I did get one and have been catching ever since. From then on it was watching Ichiro and the Mariners, and going to Spring Training. I actually got to be a batboy for the Ms during a Spring Training game the year Ichiro retired. It was both crazy and inspiring to be in the dugout with the team.
4. What are some of your favorite things about the game of baseball?
The process, getting better every day, building to something better, individually and as a team. I love working out with my coaches, teammates, and learning from them. Practice, BP, catching pens, strength training, I enjoy it all. I’ve also come to learn how baseball helps to teach you life skills, persistence through adversity, how to self-motivate to achieve, and to embrace the process.
I enjoy my conversations behind the dish – with the Umps and the other players. I also enjoy teaching younger kids about catching.
5. Who in your life has helped push you to be your best on the field?
The best way to describe it is that I have a great community of positive people who love baseball around me. On Bainbridge Island, I have been playing with the same guys since T-Ball and it is a small group of us left. Within that group, there have been many parents/coaches who have taken the time to teach me, help me to improve, and offered encouragement every step of the way. I have taken something away from each of them and appreciate their support then and now. As I progress in my baseball career, I’m expanding that community outside of Bainbridge to include new people and coaches who are equally as supportive. My hope is I can find a college team where I can continue to play and surround myself with that level of support.